Some old games worthy of your attention
If you are a a regular young gamer of today’s times, you probably entered a world of gaming. World of huge variety of games to choose from, all of them with awesome real 3d graphics, or even playable with virtual reality helmet. And that is amazing! Can you imagine, how games will look like in future? Potential is enormous.
However things were not always like that. There were times, where only few games were out there, and even few less were good and fun to play. Most of these games were running on obsolete operation system called MS DOS.
You may now ask yourself, why you should play some old games… Because they are still fun! Even today! So let’s list the best of the best over here. If you would like to try to play them, don’t worry! We got your back. Some websites over the web can directly run old computer games in virtual environment, so you don’t have install anything on your computer. For each game listed, there will be a link provided, so you can play them!
1. The Lost Vikings
The Lost Vikings was one of the most successful games ever. Plot is simple and yet powerful – Three Vikings were kidnapped from their homes and families by evil alien emperor called Tomator, so he can add them to his ZOO. Confused vikings wanted to escape and return to their families. Trick is, that each viking has a different skills. All of them must work together in order to solve various challenges and eventually escape.

2. The Incredible Machine
Only few games can challenge originality of The Incredible Machine’s. Released at 90s, quickly got adopted for various operating systems as well as consoles. Point is very simple – Each level has an objective which you must met – for example imagine this: Your level contains cat and a mouse. You must prevent cat eating mouse. Well… what about putting a nice piece of dynamite under the cat? Seems like it could work! Let’s try!

3. The Paperboy
Many games focus primarily on battle of some kind, racing or puzzles to solve. In this regard, The Paperboy came with totally different concept. Main protagonist of this game is a simple newspaper delivery boy / girl. Your objective is to deliver newspaper. That’s it! However it is not so easy as it sounds. Paperboy is riding bicycle, and delivering newspaper. Since your time is precious, you are delivering newspaper by throwing into mailbox.

Not just that! In the neighborhood there is a haunted mansion, house armed by cannons and much more unexpected and funny obstacles! But even that, the one must remain cautious. If you throw newspaper into windows, you break them! Then people will cancel their subscription and you are screwed, because delivery company will fire you without a mercy!
4. Dangerous Dave
The Dangerous Dave is a very simple platformer game – and that is the reason why it is fun to play. Basically, you are passing multiple levels, and you must collect as much treasure as possible. But don’t get fooled! Simple games, does not mean, it is easy. If you will pass up to 8th level (which is not the last one), you must be a hardcore gamer.

The only disadvantage is, that newcomers may struggle. Some elements are unpredictable by new player. In order to pass levels, often you must know each level very well.
Also, worthy to mention is fact, there were released subsequent Dave games, which were much more sophisticated in story, graphics and game mechanics as well. And guess what! They are very entertaining as well!
5. Raptor
I believe this game does not even have to be introduced. Raptor, created by Apogee, is graphically well made plane shooter. You are a pilot of fighter plane, fighting in various missions. Some of them are extremely hard to pass. But have no worries! You can implement various weapon and defense systems into your fighter plane as the game progress.

At the end you are confronted by various bosses, which are sometimes very hard to pass.
6. One Must Fall 2097
Imagine now, you live in the far future. As subtitle suggests, we are talking about year 2097. In this time, new competition emerged – Robot arena fights. Here I must disappoint you… robots are not controlled by AI. Instead, they had human pilots. In order to win fights against your opponents and became champion, you must, be trained as pilot, as well as enhancing your own robot.
One Must Fall contains great ways how to customize robots, set up colors, arenas – Leading to very various experience. Find out your favorite robot, build him, and became a champion!
And here is the most amazing feature – You can play this game as multiplayer. So feel free to invite your favorite folks to play with you. Do not be stressed! The game controlling is very easy and very intuitive.
7. Gods
In ancient Greece, there was a time of gods, angels and demons. And four of demons took over the citadel of gods. Not sure why gods could not kill them, instead they told following: “We will fill any wish to the one, who will slay four demons and captures citadel of gods back”. One brave hero dared to step in front of gods and say, he will slay the demons, in exchange for being able to sit among gods as their equal.
Gods, hoping, the hero will fail, agreed. And in this game, you are the hero! Yes you! So prepare your mind to jump into ancient Greece, facing mythical creatures and mysterious magic.

During the game, you will have to collect weapons, keys and magic items. Be also prepared for huge amount of secret passages, but also interesting puzzles. Let us know on our Facebook, if you were able to beat this game without cheating… because it is freaking difficult!
8. Sid Meyer’s Civilization
Yes! Legendary Sid Meyer’s Civilization… You maybe played Sid Meyer’s Civilization 7 or any newer edition. However, don’t be mistaken! The very first edition is also still very fun to play. It may be somewhat difficult when you are a newcomer, but do not let it discourage you.
Basic idea is you start with tribe of your choice, political system (Yes, communism is also the choice), and then build cities, discover new technologies, build an army, trade, and so on… You can win by colonizing outer space or by eradicating of other tribes.

9. Another World
There are not many games, especially the old ones, which have so intense story as The Another World. You literally feel like the adventure ended after the game ends…
In another world you are in the skin if young ginger-haired scientists. His experiment goes wrong because of nearby storm. Suddenly you are teleported into new unknown world. A new world, that you know nothing about. But only one thing is sure – Everyone and everything is trying to kill you.

Story progress quick and so will your adrenaline level! You will get into fast paced shooter action, as well as some interesting puzzle solving. Unluckily, some of challenges needs you to explore levels before you will be able to go proceed.
10. BlackThrone
Along with The Lost Vikings, BlackThrone is one of games, that made Blizzard Entertainment famous. You will be in role of Kyle – Son of King of Stonefist – Fortress that was burned down by evil Orcish emperor. One of mages managed to save you, as the only king’s son. Your only drive revenge and save enslaved Stonefist humans from nasty Orcs! Looks like a job for you, eh?
In this glamorous, graphically strong piece with dark atmosphere, you will be shooting orcs with guns, bombs. In BlackThrone’s world, you will met with mixture of sci-fi and fantasy. Would you like to confront magic with advanced technology or vice versa? If yes, then definitely check this game.

BlackThrone is one of those very difficult games, on which not many players can brag, they won whole game.
After checking those games, you may find yourself inspired, and maybe you will came with some new ideas, inspiration, but in the first place – fun and amazing experience!